Main winds
North wind: Pelér or Vento (in the morning)
From June to September it blows very reliably and steadily from the north. It originates during cold nights in the mountains, from where the cooled air flows down to the Po Valley. It starts in the second half of the night on the northern part of the lake, then at sunrise it blows all the way to the south.
Characteristic of the Pelér are three large waves followed by several smaller ones. South of Torri and near Toscolano the highest waves occur. These are ideal for kiters to jump – especially the second wave, the highest of the big waves. As soon as the sun warms the water on the western shore, the pelér increases in strength. In local parlance, this wind is said to „crack“ (pelare) the waves. This is where its common name „pelér“ comes from.
The pelér blows for up to 12 hours until about 10 o’clock. If it is strengthened by the north foehn, it sometimes lasts until 3 p.m. and is stronger than the usual 15-22 knots. Very strong pelér has a churning effect on the water, so that lower, colder layers reach the surface. Then the Garda is not sufficiently warmed up, which prevents the Óra or south wind from developing.
Then the water is glassy in the late afternoon and strong currents set in, especially near the shores of Brenzone, Malcesine and Navene. Then, in the early evening, a north wind sets in again.
South wind: Ora (noon)
The Ora is the most famous wind of the upper Garda and blows reliably in spring, summer and autumn after the Pelér has died down, from about 1 pm until sunset. It is a thermal wind and is created when the air heated by the sun rises to the north of Lake Garda, creating a vacuum. As a result, air masses from the Po Valley are sucked in at high speed – the Ora.
Their wind strengths are very different in the different places of the lake:
Brenzone: 1-2 bft
Campione: 3-5 bft
Malcesine: 2-4 bft
Torbole: 4-5 (kiting not allowed)
Extreme north wind: Bali
It comes from the Ballino Pass, in the north-west of Riva through the valley. From there it continues to blow across the lake and is blown back to the center of the lake by the mountains near Navene. The Bali is usually caused by heavy snowfalls in the mountains or after strong cooling due to thunderstorms or prolonged rains. It blows in the same zone as the Pelér. With speeds between 5 and 8 BF and is much stronger than the Péler and causes higher waves. Sometimes it can last 2-3 days.

Klimatabelle Gardasee